Trật Tự Thế Giới
Henry Kissinger [Phạm Thái Sơn dịch - Võ Minh Tuấn hiệu đính]
La Commune de 1871
Jacques Rougerie
Levy Statistics and Laser Cooling : How Rare Events Bring Atoms ...
Francois Bardou & Jean-Phillippe Bouchand & Alain Aspect & and Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (eds.)
The Constant Gardener
John Le Carré
Relentless Desire (Shadows of Yesterday)
Sandra Brown
Bức Tranh Chết Chóc
Thach Bat Hoai
Whitney, My Love
Judith Mcnaught
Hiểu nghèo thoát nghèo
Abhijit V. Banerjee & Esther Duflo
Cánh cửa mở rộng (24)
And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle
Jon Meacham