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Janet Dailey & Văn Hòa & Kim Thùy
Enhancing Deep Learning with Bayesian Inference
Dr. Matt Benatan & Jochem Gietema & Dr. Marian Schneider
Trí tuệ đám đông - Vì sao đa số thông minh hơn thiểu số
James Surowiecki
The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
William E. Shotts, Jr.
Thung lũng khủng khiếp
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
System Design Interview – an Insider's Guide
Alex Xu & Sahn Lam
Embedded Software Design
Jacob Beningo
Les 100 mots de la Grande Guerr
Loez Andre
The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling
Wai Chim