Artificial Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Systems Hardening
Issa Traore & Isaac Woungang & Sherif Saad & Fatos Xhafa
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; Technological Advancements, ...
Hemraj Saini & Moacyr Comar Junior & Tiratha Raj Singh
Leggere Paul Ricoeur
Jean Grondin
Recent Contributions to Bioinformatics and Biomedical Sciences...2023
Sotirov S.
A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion
Stephen Hawking
Những kẻ sát nhân
Elia Kazan
The Honourable Schoolboy
John Le Carré
Tiếng gọi tình yêu giữa lòng thế giới - Socrates in Love
Kyoichi Katayama
Vũ trụ
Carl Sagan