Người tình phương đông
Việt Nam sử lược - Quyển II
Trần Trọng Kim
Introduction to Parallel Processing : Algorithms and Architectures
Parhami, Behrooz.
Think and Trade Like a Champion: The Secrets, Rules and Blunt ...
Mark Minervini
Active Machine Learning with Python
Margaux Masson-Forsythe
The Better Angels of Our Nature
Steven Pinker
Thư kiếm ân cừu lục
Kim Dung
Industry 6.0: Technology, Practices, Challenges, and Applications
C Kishor Kumar Reddy & Srinath Doss & Lavanya Pamulaparty & Kari Lippert & and Ruchi Doshi
None of This Rocks
Joe Trohman
If They Come for Us: Poems
Fatimah Asghar