Causal Inference for Data Science MEAP V04
Aleix de Villa Robert
Chiếc nhẫn tình yêu
Danielle Steel
Ashok Soota
Cuộc đời của Pi (Lift of Pi)
Yann Martel
Concise Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Loretta Lees & David Demeritt
L'ordre maconnique le Droit Hum
Prat Andre, Loubatiere Colette
Practical Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python
Gridin, Ivan;
A Delicate Truth
John Le Carré
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Volume 1
Lo Kuan-Chung & Robert E. Hegel & C. H. Brewitt-Taylor
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm