Những mảnh đời đen trắng
Nguyen Quang Lap
The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher
Hilary Mantel
Someday Is Today
Matthew Dicks & Elysha Dicks & Matthew Shepard
Quy tac cua nghe thuat
Pierre Bourdieu
Wife by Contract, Mistress by Demand: Harlequin Comics
Carole Mortimer & Marito Ai
Les Celtes
Venceslas Kruta
Leggere Paul Ricoeur
Jean Grondin
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Charles Duhigg
Automating DevOps with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines
Christopher Cowell & Nicholas Lotz & Chris Timberlake
Artificially Human
Robert Whiteman