C# & C++ Programming Unlocked: [7 IN 1] Conquer Coding Fears, ...
Andrew Sullivan
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Bắc Sơn Nguyễn
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Jonathan Berk & Peter DeMarzo & Jarrad Harford
Mastering Classification Algorithms for Machine Learning
Partha Majumdar
Les methodes qualitatives
Alami Sophie & Desjeux Dominique
In Praise of Slowness_ Challenging the Cult of Speed by Carl ...
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Trịnh Niệm
Ngọn Đèn Vẫn Tỏ
Nguyễn Nguyên An
Python Networking 101
Odette Windsor
Python Internals for Developers: Practice Python 3.x Fundamentals, ...
Sonam Chawla Bhatia
Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction ...
Eric Matthes
Practices of the Python Pro
Dane Hillard
Introduction to Quantitative Social Science with Python
Weiqi Zhang
Introduction to Financial Derivatives with Python
Elisa Alos & Raul Merino
High-Performance Web Apps With FastAPI: The Asynchronous Web ...
Malhar Lathkar