Deep Reinforcement Learning with Python: With PyTorch, TensorFlow ...
Nimish Sanghi
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware
Andy Hunt
Murphy's Law
Arthur Bloch
All I need is you (Anh là tất cả)
Johanna Lindsay
Enhancing Deep Learning with Bayesian Inference
Dr. Matt Benatan & Jochem Gietema & Dr. Marian Schneider
Bàn Về Chiến Tranh
Carl von Clausewitz
Machine Learning with Python for PC, Raspberry Pi, and Maixduino
Günter Spanner
Những bông hoa trước gió: tiểu thuyết
Virginia C. Andrews
Lean Excel: Top Functions: Quick Reference Guide with 500 Examples!
Scott Ratliff