Machine Learning Production Systems
Robert Crowe & Hannes Hapke & Emily Caveness & Di Zhu
The Quantum Nature of Light From photon states to quantum fluids ...
Mendonça J.
Giá đâu đó có người đợi tôi
Anna Gavalda & Bằng Quang
Thị trấn Phù Dung
Cổ Hoa
Central Europe Travel Guide
Lonely Planet
Sparring Partners
John Grisham
Engineering in Plain Sight
Grady Hillhouse
Xung kích
Nguyen Dinh Thi
The Great Mental Models Volume 3: Systems and Mathematics
Rhiannon Beaubien & Rosie Leizrowice
The Great Mental Models (1)
The Great Mental Models Volume 1: General Thinking Concepts
Rhiannon Beaubien & Shane Parrish
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware
Andy Hunt
Crucial Conversations, Third Edition
Al Switzler & Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny & Ron McMillan & Emily Gregory