Iron Hans: A Grimm's Fairy Tale
Jacob Grimm & Wilhelm Grimm & Stephen Mitchell
Thinking in Pictures
Michael Blastland
Essential Cryptography for JavaScript Developers: A Practical ...
Alessandro Segala
Truyện thần thoại
Minh Hiểu Khê
Dải Sam
Laetitia Colombani & Nguyễn Mai Chi (dịch)
Bỉ vỏ
Nguyên Hồng
ASP.NET Core 9.0 Essentials
Albert S. Tanure
Cõi người ta - Terre Des Hommes
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware
Andy Hunt
The Great Mental Models Volume 1: General Thinking Concepts
Rhiannon Beaubien & Shane Parrish
The Great Mental Models (1)
The Great Mental Models Volume 3: Systems and Mathematics
Rhiannon Beaubien & Rosie Leizrowice
Crucial Conversations, Third Edition
Al Switzler & Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny & Ron McMillan & Emily Gregory